俱乐部 & 活动



下午两点半,最后一次上课铃声响起.m. 但这并不意味着是时候回家了. 十大网赌信誉网站相信在CM,学习可以在课堂之外继续.
P艺术icipation in CM’s clubs and activities is an important p艺术 of the CM experience. 天主教纪念 offers a robust set of extracurricular opportunities in a range of areas including public speaking, 艺术, 表演艺术, 音乐, 服务组织, 以及领导力发展项目.

The expansive set of offerings allows students to pursue interests outside the classroom, 发现新事物, 并培养他们更好的认同感. 作为一所强调人际关系的学校, the extracurricular program invites students to create new friendships and develop rapport with faculty and staff.

更多的俱乐部 & 活动


  • 模拟联合国

    模拟联合国让学生沉浸在具有全球重要性的问题中. 学生的研究, 辩论, and collaborate with other students in order to develop solutions for global issues and crises. 天主教纪念 runs the biggest fall day conference in the Boston area with 15 schools and up to 300 students in November every year. 该项目由学生管理. We complete in day conferences and at college conferences, icluding Boston College's EagleMUNC.
  • 贝克街男孩

    贝克街男孩是CM的无伴奏合唱团. They perform at school events and at concerts in conjunction with other 音乐al groups.
  • 拉丁俱乐部

    The 拉丁俱乐部 explores the cultures of Rome and Greece in order to dive deeper into the ancient world. There are a few opportunties to travel and engage with other students studying Latin across the state. All students are welcome, regardless of their Latin experience. 
  • 演讲及辩论

  • 中学数学队

    The 中学数学队 allows any student to sharpen his math and critical thinking skills. 每个星期, students compete in a 30 minute challenge against students from schools throughout the country. 比赛是在线进行的,允许全国比赛. 一般来说,比赛由7-8个问题组成. Students work individually and submit their answers on their devices. For the competition, the top five scores for each team are added up to determine the winner. 
  • 写作俱乐部

    写作俱乐部 meets to discuss ideas about 写作 and life as well as to share member poetry and prose. 除了, the club sponsors monthly "Open Mics" where any student can drop in and share their thoughts, 写作, 或思想. The club organizes and holds a yearly poetry slam which has been hugely successful and fun for all. 
  • 全国荣誉学会

    The 全国荣誉学会 celebrates four pillars of student success: scholarship, 服务, 领导,  和性格. 除了每月的会议, 协会组织服务活动, 小组讨论, 奖学金的机会, 辅导实习. For eligible juniors and seniors, this society provides a space to make a difference.
  • 多元化俱乐部

    The Knights of the Round Table was p艺术 of a legacy that dates back to 1992 when 天主教纪念 students formed the first-ever multicultural club. Today it is known as the Diversity Club and meets weekly to discuss topics of cultural identity, 阅读时事, 看纪录片和故事片, 主持演讲并参加当地会议和研讨会. 通过社区活动和小组对话, we strive to promote a vision of inclusion and equality for everyone at 天主教纪念 and beyond.
  • 运费农场

    CM students learn to grow and produce edible greens hydroponically, preparing them for distribution packages with an entrepreneurial st艺术-up company.
  • 剧院项目

    The 剧院项目 entertains the CM community with two theatrical performances every year -- a Fall Play and a Spring 音乐al. Students audition for various roles and spend six to eight weeks rehearsing. Performances are usually Thursday and Friday evenings with a Saturday matinee. The club offers a variety of theatrical genres over time -- comedy, mystery, drama, etc. ——这样学生演员就能获得广泛的表演经验.
  • 中学服务社团

    This is an opportunity for middle school students to perform acts of 服务 for both the school and the community. There is at least one opportunity per month for which students can sign up. 
  • 重要的对话

    重要对话俱乐部(CM俱乐部) provides students with a platform to be positive role models in the CM school community and opportunities to raise awareness among their peers and the greater community around important health and wellness topics. Its mission is to empower young people to successfully confront the risks and pressures that challenge them throughout their daily lives. CM俱乐部培养归属感,促进弹性, 领导, and advocacy skills so that young people can engage in positive decision-making.
  • 舞台工作人员

    The stage crew creates and operates the scenery for the school play and other major events. This incudes building and painting sets and setting up and operating the sound system. The club meets regularly weekly after school and more often as needed in preparation for performances and events.
  • 永远是十大网赌信誉网站的兄弟姐妹

    永远是十大网赌信誉网站的兄弟姐妹 is 天主教纪念's Gay-Straight Organization, 它的名字来自美国.S. Catholic Bishops letter calling for increased inclusivity of LGBTQ+ indiviuals within Catholic communities. The group discusses issues facing the LGBTQ+ community in a supportive environment for students who identify as either LGBTQ or as a straight ally. We have hosted guest speakers to discuss these issues and go on field trips to experience Boston's LGBTQ+ history firsthand.
  • 年鉴俱乐部

    年鉴俱乐部 is dedicated to building and desiging in a yearbook that captures each unique year at CM. In this club students get to be photographers, book designers, and journalists. It is a great opportunity to be p艺术 of something that will be everlasting at CM!


CM让学生为大学及以后的严酷生活做好准备. 而在这里, 男孩们开始有服务学习的机会, 领导力发展, 和性格 formation programs inspiring them to become confident, 勇敢的年轻人有动力为世界做好事. 


  • 天主教纪念


    P. (617) 469-8000
    F. (617) 977-5689


天主教纪念, 波士顿基督教兄弟学校, 为男孩上大学做准备, 成年和充满未知挑战的世界, ambiguity and complex problems and the importance of relationships.