



To learn more about tax wise giving, contact the Office of Advancement, 617-469-8036.


约翰·穆林 ’79 describes his life’s successes to the way a house is built. His time at 天主教纪念 was the laying of solid foundations, 房子的其余部分由学院建造, “还有你的工作,他说, 就能支付全部费用.”

他是祖母在昆西抚养的四个兄弟姐妹中的一个, 穆林很早就明白,如果他要成功, he needed to find himself in a place that would challenge him and instill the necessary qualities with which to succeed. 他的表哥帮了忙, 杰瑞·康纳斯, 他和当时的麻省理工教员丹·伯克是好朋友, 我在约翰身上看到了某种东西,使他提出了这个问题. “高中毕业后你想上大学,对吧? 你要去昆西高中就不可能了.”

Throwing himself into hockey and his studies, Mullin embraced the opportunities offered. CM became the arena where he would find out what he was made of. “谢里丹弟兄教导宗教的方式非常棒, and I could relate to him because he was from New York City and I’d go there to visit my dad,穆林回忆道。. “我也要把它说出来,汉森教练. He went out of his way to drive me home after many practices and had a knack for picking guys who wanted it, 有动力和决心, 拒绝失败.” Homework was done while dragging his hockey bag on the two buses he took to get home. 在马萨诸塞大学洛厄尔分校就读期间, Mullin maintained this mindset remaining on campus and not returning to his dorm until his engineering assignments for the day were done.

他事业的开始见证了一个梦想的实现, working as an engineer for two startup companies headquartered in San Jose, CA. 1998年他妻子去世后, 他做了一个重要的职业转变,成为一名教育工作者, teaching middle school engineering at several local public schools and marketing courses online at Southern New Hampshire University and University of Phoenix. 在退休后, Mullin is looking to help students like himself with the potential but who need an opportunity. 正如穆林所说, “作为布鲁斯·斯普林斯汀的粉丝, 他的新歌, I’ll See You in My Dreams moved me to create an endowment and scholarship for CM. I want to give an inspired student with similar challenges a chance to fulfill his dreams and not be prohibited by financial challenges and who will succeed through their motivation.” His adopted father once said to Mullin, Fine feathers make a fine bird.” To which Mullin responded, “A fine bird makes a fine bird doesn’t matter about its feathers.“也许他说的是他自己?


"I want to give an inspired student a chance to fulfill his dreams and not be prohibited by financial challenges and who will succeed through their motivation.” 

Some people credit their life’s success to being in the right place at the right time. For 丹 ’73, it was more the case of the right school at the right time. 从波士顿公立学校系统来到CM, Shruhan believes that it is how the school taught the kids who were in the middle of the pack, 因为他是. “如果没有额外的帮助, 意识到这就是我所需要的, I could have been one of those kids that I used to run wild with back in those days. Those were the guys I ended up catching when I was in law enforcement,” he laughs. 今天, Shruhan is the Director of Global IP Investigations for Apple, having spent his career in the government and private sector chasing money launderers, 以及全球的主要诈骗犯. 你可以把他想象成胖护照的迪克·特雷西.

Shruhan comes from the school of thought that teaches humility, 帮助别人, 永远不要忘记你从哪里来. “My father lost his job when the factory he worked in closed. As a way of giving back, my parents looked after the newborns of unwed mothers. At 12, I was changing diapers of these infants and learned from my parents that no matter your circumstances you find a way to give back.”

如今,舒汗按照父母的教导去做. As the first person in his family to go to college and make it to the top of companies like Pfizer, 可以说他是一个成功的人. 回馈CM是当务之急. In order to compete with schools that are larger and have been around much longer, 只有校友才能发挥作用. “If you can invest in an endowment fund you can benefit yourself as a taxpayer while making sure the place you believe in receives the kind of donation that says, “谢谢.’”
To learn more about tax wise giving, contact the Office of Advancement, 617-469-8036.


"I learned from my parents that no matter your circumstances you find a way to give back.”




  • 2003

  • 2018

    Annual Award of $38,675 - Cumulative 金融援助 Awarded $487,701
  • 2053

    Annual award of $94,969 - Cumulative 金融援助 Awarded $2,709,183
For more information, please contact the Office of Advancement: (617) 469-8036.


“I had no plan on attending 天主教纪念 until my father got involved. 说得轻一点,我父亲是一个“硬汉”.” So, he put me in his old wagon, and took me down to the school. 带我去健身房,把我介绍给罗尼·佩里.

我玩得很开心. I was involved in just about every activity you could think of. I played basketball and baseball, and we won championships in both those sports. My class was around 258 boys, and we were all good friends through those four years. 这是一次非凡的经历.

When I look back at when I entered CM, the tuition was $285 a year. 我的父母没有钱. What I had to do was caddy at two country clubs and wait tables at a restaurant in Norwood. And when I came home my mother would have her hand out to put the money I earned in coffee pot so that it could go to paying for next year’s tuition.

During my CM years, we had some pretty tough kids that entered the school. And these kids came from very tough families out in Roxbury, and Hyde Park and places like that. 兄弟俩帮他们摆平了. 所以, when I fast-forward my feeling is that I’d like to give back with a sense of supporting some young boy who is underprivileged, 也没钱上大学, 但有足够的学术和运动能力. 这样孩子就能毕业,过上更好的生活. 所以我才会这么做.”


“回想起来,CM是我生命中至关重要的一部分. 我希望有一天,有人也能有同样的经历."


CM让学生为大学及以后的严酷生活做好准备. 而在这里, 男孩们开始有服务学习的机会, 领导力发展, and character formation programs inspiring them to become confident, 勇敢的年轻人有动力为世界做好事. 


  • 天主教纪念


    P. (617) 469-8000
    F. (617) 977-5689


天主教纪念, 波士顿基督教兄弟学校, 为男孩上大学做准备, 成年和充满未知挑战的世界, ambiguity and complex problems and the importance of relationships.